Friday, October 30, 2009

News From Kelvin!

These are some of the student events Kelvin in Russia has organised with his team.
Recently Kelvin wrote to tell us about what is happening at their recent outreach.. I will let his letter speak for itself !

Hey friends,I just really want to thank you guys for praying with us for Making New friends. Just last week i was asking how do we usher in a greater tangible and powerful presence of God into our meetings because we didn't want to just organise an event if God's presence is not there. That was our desire and focus which I shared with the team .

We had an amazing day! God's presence was so real in that place. There were many non-believers but the atmosphere of worship was so strong, it was just indescribable.We had about 70+ students last night. It was mainly for the new students that came to our university and i think about 90% were Malaysians.

We packed the hall and we had live worship by our band,and an offering message which Lily shared about how when we want to achieve something , we must have a giving spirit . And how God has multiplied things in her life when she learned how to give. She has never shared in public before and since Missions in Medan, she is doing amazingly. We had fun and games to connect with the new students so that they will mix more and get to know each other.

We gave away free t-shirts and an Ipod shuffle so the students were really blessed! It was really fun as we managed to gather all the new students from different hostels and they basically don't know each other before this, and after last night, we built new friendships and new bridges with them.

Our leader Dennis greeted the students and I shared about our vision as a fellowship and the great things God has been doing through us here in Volgo and a rough picture of what is yet to come to get them excited. I also shared how this 6 years can be fruitful when we open ourselves to God. I challenged them to live a life worth living, and the only life worth living is a live chasing after God. The response was good and many of them came up to me and said "Kelvin, we support u guys and want to be apart of what you are doing. So we have incorporated more of them into the cells and it will be good la. Wow,we serve an Almighty God.We want to thank you guys again for being such a great support to us. Indeed, the best is yet to come!

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