Friday, October 30, 2009

Kelvin Yii - Mission V !

The Lord's commision is to take the gospel into all the world and share it with the people who have yet to hear the good news. Often these people are full time ministers of God or adults who work in the Mission Field. Kelvin Yii however is a young student. He grew up in GNF from Sunday school with a passion to serve the Lord and share His word. He chose to study medicine as he once said " it is a profession that will gain me access to anywhere God wants me to go to share His love with His people"
As a medical student in Russia Kelvin is very active in Student Outreach and he is one of the student leaders who is making an impact for Christ as he studies. Recently he and his team of committed young people volunteered to venture into Medan , Indonesia in Aug to adminsiter FREE health checks and medication. They were supported by various church organizations.

This young man is an encouragement to the rest of us that there simply is no " right time" or " right age " to share the gospel.. there are opportunities at every turn .. if only we are willing!

The Medical team spent their morning on health checks at various communities and at night they ministered a totally different kind of " medicine". They introduced the eternal Doctor Jesus! Many recieved Christ and many were miraculously healed. We look forward to hearing more from you Kelvin !

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