Sunday, September 6, 2009

GNF, Biatah Congregation at Batu Kawa

Today we visited Brother Ridom and our sister church at Batu Kawa . We had an amazing time of worship and fellowship . The church began with 20 members and now are expanding such that when we went in, there were only enough chairs for the early birds and those who came late made themselves comfortable on the floor !

This is the Biatah language congregation. Most of their members originate from Simuti and have decided to create a city church to facilitate those dwelling in the city of Kuching . Their worship team comprises of ex-youth from Simuti who are now in their late 20's and 30's. And what a team this is... they have some mad skills for the stringed instruments and they sing well but what stuck me the most was how the entire congregation really opened up their hearts to worship. It was'nt the song leader or the songs.. but the entire people lifting up their hearts and voices to praise and worship the Lord. Their opening song was in Biatah and I don't know how, but I was worshipping along lost in the oblivion of the words which sounded different and yet so meaningful that it moved me to tears.

A simple heart's desire, a simple faith, a simple longing to worship Him . It was good to be reminded that our Lord dosent ask for the frills... He just desires a heart of worship.

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