Sunday, August 30, 2009

30th Anniversary Celebrations at Simuti

We had a fantastic time of open air worship and festivites to celebrate our 30th Anniversary as a church up at Simuti. There were nearly 400 people gathered from the nearby churches and city church who came up early Sat morning and stayed till Sunday afternoon to praise the name of the Lord ! It was an amazing time of fellowship ... lots of fun, makan -makan and of course a tremendous outpouring of worship and praise on the mountain top that day !

One of the highlights during the event was to see the ex-youth of Simuti return to the village to organise and lead the worship that night. I recognised each one of them as being the "gang" who followed Pastor Graeme and Lucy whenever they visited Simuti. They were passionate, excited young people for Christ back then . This time round they are married, some of them are expecting and they are the next generation of leaders raising up another generation of young people to worship the King ! Awesome !

Pastor Naris flagging off the events of the day

The games used ONLY nautral stuff like bamboo, dried palm leaves and coconuts!

Different skills were learnt that day... Jeff denies walking on water but will try walking on stilts! And Pastor Jerry gives looking after Sunday school kids a go !

These are the HEROES who fed 400 hundred over the weekend at Simuti !
We thank you Simuti for the excellent food and wonderful hospitality !


We celebrated Him! We celebrated each other ! We celebrated His goodness! We celebrated under a canopy of stars and the light of the blazing sun!

Ex Youth leading worship ! Now they are mothers and ffathers of a new generation !!

The night ended in a blaze of fireworks and people kept shouting for more and so we carried on worshipping till nearly mid-night!

Despite the magnificent sun ( we all prayed for good weather and the Lord provided!! ) many withstood the heat during the Sunday morning service !

Nature privided some shelter and respite !

It was an exhilarating and amazing time both in Pentik and in Simuti... the count down now begins for the big bash in Kuching on Sept 25th -27th ! Hope to see you there !

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