Sunday, August 30, 2009

MJC Tuition Open Day - 29th August

The MJC free tuition programme was initiated by Irene Ng some nearly 7 years ago to help children from less privileged homes to cope with studies in school.

Today Louisa Wong and her team of teachers, Uncle Dunstan Lee and Teo Shiok Ngor carry on this wonderful ministry. This team comes together every Tuesday and Thursday to teach, mentor and provide an environment for the kids to do well in their studies. They initially started with around 25 children but have seen the numbers increase to around 60 or so kids! Every Tuesday and Thursday the children are driven from their housing area to the church. Currently we are looking for volunteer drivers as the number of children attending the Free Tuition Programme is increasing !

This Sat we had an " Open Day" to enable the parents ( mostly all mothers ! ) to visit the church . They were able to speak to the teachers and ask questions about their childrens 'progress. The session ended with a tea and a Handicraft session for the mothers! It was a great occassion to build relationships with the children and their mums !

Parents checking out the work and progress of their children. Uncle Dunstan Lee with Hinly encouraging the mothers to watch over the studies of their children and some of the kids who attend classes !

Louisa Wong ( in red ) our resident " Guru Besar " and all the mothers who attended the Open Day

There was great merriment and excitement around the food table !

Madelyn Tai and Wendy Chen taught the ladies
after tea to make some necklaces! The mothers had a great time exploring their creative nature !

There was a lot of laughter and banter from all !

Wendy looks like the Art Professor !

Hard at work to create something new !

All the mothers wearing the new creations ! Continue to pray for Louisa and her team as they give their time and talents to these wonderful children and their community !

30th Anniversary Celebrations at Simuti

We had a fantastic time of open air worship and festivites to celebrate our 30th Anniversary as a church up at Simuti. There were nearly 400 people gathered from the nearby churches and city church who came up early Sat morning and stayed till Sunday afternoon to praise the name of the Lord ! It was an amazing time of fellowship ... lots of fun, makan -makan and of course a tremendous outpouring of worship and praise on the mountain top that day !

One of the highlights during the event was to see the ex-youth of Simuti return to the village to organise and lead the worship that night. I recognised each one of them as being the "gang" who followed Pastor Graeme and Lucy whenever they visited Simuti. They were passionate, excited young people for Christ back then . This time round they are married, some of them are expecting and they are the next generation of leaders raising up another generation of young people to worship the King ! Awesome !

Pastor Naris flagging off the events of the day

The games used ONLY nautral stuff like bamboo, dried palm leaves and coconuts!

Different skills were learnt that day... Jeff denies walking on water but will try walking on stilts! And Pastor Jerry gives looking after Sunday school kids a go !

These are the HEROES who fed 400 hundred over the weekend at Simuti !
We thank you Simuti for the excellent food and wonderful hospitality !


We celebrated Him! We celebrated each other ! We celebrated His goodness! We celebrated under a canopy of stars and the light of the blazing sun!

Ex Youth leading worship ! Now they are mothers and ffathers of a new generation !!

The night ended in a blaze of fireworks and people kept shouting for more and so we carried on worshipping till nearly mid-night!

Despite the magnificent sun ( we all prayed for good weather and the Lord provided!! ) many withstood the heat during the Sunday morning service !

Nature privided some shelter and respite !

It was an exhilarating and amazing time both in Pentik and in Simuti... the count down now begins for the big bash in Kuching on Sept 25th -27th ! Hope to see you there !

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mission trip to Lopburi, Thailand with Irene Ng

Thank you so much for praying for us. Thank you for being with us last weekend. The journey was smooth and the sun was behind a thick cloud while we were working so nobody fainted.Praise God nobody got injured...there were just a few minor injuries like hammering our own fingers, insect bites, food allergies, and lots of blisters!!

This is the first time the youth had ever done this in their lives. It was hard work but nobody complained or said any thing negative. Everybody worked and did their best with cheerful smiles. That night we were planning to sleep in tents, but the rain came and flooded our tents so we slept in the house. Which turned out to be a God thing !

The house owner, Tenn, is a young Christian. She is afraid of ghosts and was afraid to sleep in front of the pictures of the ancestors. The family sleeps in another corner of their home.
Our exhausted young people, however did not mind where they slept. They were exhausted! And they slept through the night, nobody had any dreams or any spiritual attacks. The following morning, I was able to share with Tenn that with Jesus, we are safe. He is always with us. He takes care of us.

During the house dedication, Tenn said she never thought that the love of God looked or felt like the way she felt at that moment. She was so touched. Her husband called us this morning to thank everybody who prayed for them and cared for them. They were so grateful and touched by the love of God.

In a short aside, many years ago, some Christian helped a boy and his family in a slum area. He was touched by the love of God and promised that he would give back to God what belonged to God. Today he is a full-time worker of God. He is the tall man in the first picture handing over gift to the elderly couple.

One simple act of giving, gave a boy from the slums a chance for NEW LIFE, who knows what God has in store of BoonTam, Tenn and their two kids.

Thank you for praying for us! With Love from Bangkok , Irene Ng