Monday, July 20, 2009

Celebration at Kampung Pentik

In June we kicked off our 30th year Anniversary celebrations by having a Open Air worship service in Kampung Pentik. It was a time of great fun and fellowship. Even the people of the surrounding area came to celebrate with us !. It was a 3 pig celebration!!!... one pig being like a one star and 3 pigs being the highest 3 star rating !!

Over a two day event we had games, great food, dancing and of course great worship and the word of God. One of the highlights of the events was simply touching base with different people and making new friends. Our next venue will be in Simuti. Come and join us if you can. It will be on the 15th -16th of August.

Let the celebrations begin.

Alice Gan was our resident Blow Pipe champion from the English congregation! Mighty Woman Warrior of God !

Preparing to feed the hundreds.. there was no lack of fish or bread !

ACTS 2: 42 .... They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to the fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayer...

And our brother Watt says... Amen !!

After the good food came a time of spiritual worship and impartation from Pastor Luke!

The next day was Sunday and after the Sunday service Pastor Luke and team presented Pentik Church with a Good News Fellowship Sign board. Each Rural GNF church will have one to identify that they are a member of the GNF group of churches.

So for now, we say goodbye .. till we meet again in Simuti or Kuching !!

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